Thursday, 25 July 2013

Catechesis day 3. Theme - mission. Plus Stations of the cross.

A student gave his testimony of faith journey. He went to mass but lived the "cool" way at school. it didn't work out and he had a "involuntary gap year". He prayed and through the invitation of the parish priest after mass joined some great people in the young adult youth group. Through the community he received support and after that year was offered a local university place. He was asked to o Youth Ministry despite his lack of confidence and perceived ability. But it was really not about him, but was about God and His mission. So he has been working in Youth Ministry for 1.5 years now. God also calls each of us on a mission.
Archbishop Mark Coleridge of Brisbane. Reading from Gospel about Jesus after the resurrection. They worshipped Jesus although some doubted. All authority has been given to Jesus, "go make disciples of all nations...". When we are on mission. Jesus asks us to go and make disciples of all nations, not just the people we know, but to all even those with which we feel uncomfortable. Jesus speaks to his 11 remaining disciples who are deserters, the doubters, these are the ones Jesus sends out. an unlikely band to send, bizarre even. How can Jesus expect this group of deserters to do the job. It seems crazy. But consider the difference that one person can make. Consider the lives of St Anthony, St Benedict, and St francis of assisi who were three young people in chaotic times who did something considered crazy at the time. All showed a new way of being Christian and indeed brought to birth a new way for civilisation. The world was transformed by them. You can also do this in God. Christian mission comes from God. It starts in the flesh of God and becomes one with Jesus. In these days we are called to become missionaries. It is not the time to circle the wagons and protect ourselves. We need to roll out the wagons in new ways. Our culture can be hostile to our words and mission. Facing this hostility is the temptation to become insular. However JP II brought to us the new evangelisation. A new surge in Gospel activity which is like the ones in the past. Pentecost. The fall of the Roman Empire brings St Benedict and the monks evangelise the world. Another surge in Gospel activity comes from St Francis who goes tao the poor and takes vows of poverty chastity and obedience. After the reformation chaos descends. But then the Jesuits go out and discover the new world. After the French Revolution we have another surge as the missionaries set out for the pacific. A sunburst of Gospel activity takes place. In the wake of WW1 and WW2 we are at a time now where we need a new surge of Gospel activity. A new evangelisation is needed. The leadership of lay people and young people is a sign of this activity. Young people are being called to lead the Church in ways that they can scarcely imagine. The God who commissions you will also equip you. You are called to cross new frontiers, to evangelise new continents ( the digital continent with its own culture). You are all digital natives. You know the culture. Discern what is light and what is darkness in this digital continent. To lead the digital continent. Cross new frontiers for the sake of Christ. Jesus brings all that is native and brings it into the light. truth does matter. It is not my truth or your truth. God reveals the truth in Jesus for all not just for some but for the whole of creation. Not just abstract, about a truth of love not just for Catholics and Christians but for all of creation, for everybody. Your faith is based on fact, not upon fantasy and feeling. The death and resurrection of Jesus is fact. Jesus is truly raised from the dead. The church is in the world and for the world. If they don't come to us, we need to go to them who or wherever they are. we need to reach out to them. How do we reach those who do not come to us? What have we to offer? Share the love which has been entrusted to us. Joy - Algeria. This joy is strange. It doesn't mean fun. It is deeper than happiness. Joy is something Jesus alone as the risen Lord can give. Joy given to those who are invincible in the knowledge of Christ. After Jesus death His enemies can do no more to Jesus. He is invincible. We who are in Jesus are invincible. We are part of a life which in invincible and immortal. we can experience joy in any situation no matter what place or events happen to us. Nothing and no one can take this joy away. In mission we share this joy. The human being is made to share in the ecstasy of God. Paradise is our true home. When Jesus says go make disciples to bring His joy to all and bring all on a journey home to paradise.

Jesus brings sight to the blind, sets captives free, oppressed a given freedom. Yet we are a blind, poor, captive and oppressed first. In Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit we experience sight, wealth, and freedom. Having experienced this through the power of the Holy Spirit we are then able to go as missionaries and share what we have experienced.

Stations of the Cross.
Beginning with the high excitement of the pope's arrival by helicopter, the stations of the cross was a wonderfully creative and moving affair. With the back drop of the Rio evening skyline and crash of waves on the beach. Re-enacted using contemporary scenes to make present each station, yet paying careful respect to the actual events of Jesus' passion. Beautifully scripted and moving music culminating in adagio. The stations ended with a prayerful commissioning of each continent. The pope prayed for our youth to have the grace to be evangelists in the world.

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